
How to Improve Your Email Open Rates

posted by Chris Valentine

Email is an essential part of any organization. It is typically the primary mode of communication between employees and management. It is also one of the best ways to reach out to customers. However, writing effective emails can be challenging for most people. This is especially true if you are writing to a mailing list or a number of employees. After sending several emails, you may begin to notice your open rates dwindling. This could be caused by a number of factors such as poorly written emails, sending too many emails, or not using the right emailing tools. By simply following these tips, anyone can improve your email open rates in no time.

1. Use Gmail Mail Merge

One of the best ways to get high open rates is by using the right emailing tools such as Gmail Mail Merge. Gmail Mail Merge (Gmass) is a sophisticated all-in-one email marketing software. It allows you to send bulk emails far exceeding Gmail’s limit. Unlike other email marketing platforms, you do not need to create a separate account on a different platform. Gmail Mail Merge works with your already existing Gmail account. All you need to do is install the Gmass application and it would automatically be linked to your personal account, saving you money.

2. Begin with an Attention-Grabbing Headline

The headline is the first thing your readers will see. It gives your readers a first impression and a reason to open the email. According to an article by Craig Simpson, owner of Simpson Direct Inc, “you could have the best advertising copy and the best product, but it doesn’t matter if the reader doesn’t get past the headline. Changing the headline can make a huge difference in your response rate, even if you don’t change one word in the rest of the sales letter.” Learn how to write powerful headlines.

3. Personalize

People like to feel valued. Many businesses today are getting more and more personal with everything from services to emails. ‘Dear valued customer’ is now being replaced with ‘Dear John’. In February 2020, Forbes published 50 statistics showing the power of personalization. Gmail Mail Merge allows you to set up an automatic first name detection program so that every email sent feels personal to the reader. The Gmass application allows you to write one email to an entire mailing list but each recipient will be addressed by their first name. According to the Forbes article, simply addressing readers by their first name alone can greatly improve open rates.

4. Review Insights

If you want to truly understand how your readers interact with your emails, the best way to go about it is by reviewing the insights. Gmail Mail Merge allows you to track valuable data such as click rates, bounce rate, replies, etc. With this information, you will know exactly what needs improvement and what doesn’t.

Writing a beautiful email is an art that takes practice. Using due diligence coupled with powerful applications such as Gmail Mail Merge will not only save you time and money, but it will also improve your email rates tremendously.

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