Gunther Love - Air Guitar World Champion
Source: AFP
Sylvain “Gunther Love” Quimene of France won the annual Air Guitar World Championships this year – that’s the second time the Frenchman took the prestigious crown. The 29-year old lip-synched and danced in sunglasses and gold trousers, to the delight of approximately 8,000 air guitar fans in the Finnish town of Oulu. Every contestant had to do Hendrix’s Foxy Lady, but they also could do a song of their choice.
If you get bored with the Air Guitar World Champtionships, try Finland’s other summer competitions, like the Wife-Carrying World Championships, Cell Phone Throwing Champtionships, Swamp Soccer, Mosquito Swatting, or Sauna World Championships.
You may recall the recent story about the sauna world championships and the tragedy of Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy. Ladyzhenskiy was the Russian contestant who died at the event in the town of Heinola. (Source: MSNBC) In the final stage, contestants had to sit inside the 230 deg F sauna. Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy and champion Timo Kaukonen were both badly burned and had to be rushed to a hospital. Ladyzhenskiy didn’t make it.
Finland’s Taisto Miettinen has again taken 1st place at the Wife-Carrying World Championships held in Sonkajaervi. Miettinen ran a 250-meter course with two hurdles and a pool, carrying Kristiina Haapanen. He made it in 1 minute, 4 seconds.

Finland Wife-Carrying Championships

Mobil-Phone Throwing Championship

Swamp Soccer