In the Flori-duh department, which is a department that keeps getting bigger all the time, a Florida sign was misspelled and had to be replaced. In this case, the road sign spelled Florida as “Flordia” and made the same mistake twice!
A company in Arkansas made the road sign for the Florida Department of Transportation (that’s right – the sign’s not even made in Florida).
As you can see, the sign (meant to mark an exit off I-95 in Jacksonville) reads “Exit 344. Univ of North Flordia. Flordia State College, South Campus.”
We find it amusing that the “inspection process” they talk about in the story wasn’t carried out until the damn thing was unloaded on the interstate. It’s also ironic that the sign shows directions to the local educational institutions. We recommend that college-bound students keep driving on. (Don’t stop in Arkansas, either).
Source: Click Orlando