Brooksville: No Free Ballin
From TampaBay.com:
If you want to work for the city of Brooksville, be sure that you use deodorant, that your clothes fit properly, that you wear underwear, and that you cover up your wounds and tattoos. If not, you could violate the city’s new dress code.
The Brooksville City Council approved a dress and appearance policy by a count of 4-1 this month, with only Mayor Joe Bernardini casting the dissenting vote. He questioned how the code would be interpreted and enforced. “They said you had to wear undergarments,” Bernardini said, “but who’s going to be the judge of that? Sometimes when it comes to certain people going bra-less, it’s obvious. But who’s staring to see if that person doesn’t have underwear on?” Brooksville officials say the new dress code is merely part of an extensive overhaul of the city’s personnel policy.
Among the listed requirements: employees will not be allowed to wear clothing considered “distracting, offensive or revealing”; body-piercings should be visible only in the ear; all cuts or wounds must be covered; and halter tops, Spandex, or skirts “worn below the waistline such that the abdomen or back is exposed” will not be permitted. Also, employees who must wear uniforms to work should keep them “neat, cleaned and pressed,” according to the policy.

This guy no longer allowed to work in Brooksville government
Brooksville is located on Florida’s west coast, about an hour’s drive north of Tampa.