
The Moving Meistro – How to Speed Up the Packing Process

posted by Chris Valentine

When you think about the moving process, it’s hard not to relive the whole experience. The good, the bad and the ugly. Each task can take forever, and that’s with the help of all your friends and family. But if you try and pinpoint the one process that takes the most amount of time, you can work backwards and try and hack that practice. Don’t just accept that moving is a hard and tedious tak – make it a speedy and enjoyable experience. So which part can you optimise? Well you don’t need to think too long about what the time consuming part of a move is – packing. It’s always packing! Find out how you can speed up the packing process this move.

Hire a removalist

When it comes to moving, there is very little room for error. Hiring professional removalists will keep you accountable to a time frame, and will give you parameters for your packing with the help of trusty moving boxes. Without the right size and and strength boxes – your move could end up all over the place.

When you enlist the help of friends and family, your plans become ideas, and the move becomes a longer and laggier experience than it needs to be. A removalist will also give you the peace of mind knowing that all your belongings are arriving to your new home as you intended, in the packaging arrangement you had set out with.

One room at a time

If you don’t have a plan your packing will blow into a whole-home mess, and progress will be hard to see and measure. Do yourself a favour, and start with the easy room first so you can build momentum and not burn out. Some rooms, like the kitchen and bathroom, will need to be left until the last moment because you will still be using the spaces and things that inhabit it. If you have a home of people ready to help but not quite sure they they can, dividing up the packing into rooms it a good one of keeping it separate. When you pack by room, be mindful of packing labels so that your boxes are easily identifiable when you arrive.

Start before you think you should

There is a lot you could be doing in the buildup to your move. And it will make you feel more on top of the amount of packing ahead of you. You don’t need to waste every weekend folding and packing though. You can actually start the packing process early while you watch television, listen to a podcast, or wait for dinner to cook. Little bits here and there will avoid that panic on the day when you are faced with never ending drawers, shelves and cupboards that never seem to be packed away.

Set deadlines

You heard it here first – moving day is not your deadline to finish packing. It should be well before that day. For your sanity and the sake of the move – make sure this is not the case. A couple of months out before your move, list all the responsibilities that you need to look after and assign realistic dates around them. This doesn’t need to just extend to packing, you can also add in dates for your commercial clean, getting keys, and any other job that arises.


Believe it or not, there is an art to packing, and we’re not just talking about rolling vs folding. Organisation goes hand in hand with packing, so don’t rob yourself the chance to have a seamless move and lay the foundation to make it so.

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