
How to Maintain Your Weight Loss: 7 Tips That Work

posted by Chris Valentine

Unfortunately, many people who lose weight end up gaining it back but don’t let it discourage you. Learn how to maintain weight after weight loss here.

Were you successful with your weight loss journey and want to know how to keep the weight off for good?

You should be careful that you’re following the right tips to stay fit and healthy long-term. There are specific things you can take into account to keep your new weight.

Read these tips to learn how to maintain weight after weight loss.

1. The First Step of How to Maintain Weight After Weight Loss

Did you know distractions can cause weight gain?

Pay attention to the way you eat your food. One of the most important rules for you to keep in mind is to practice mindful eating.

When you’re feeling stressed, it is also critical for you to avoid engaging in unhealthy eating habits.

Mindful eating is a process that includes eating your food slowly and chewing thoroughly.

When you’re dealing with distractions, it is difficult for you to be aware that your body is full and should stop eating. To avoid distractions, you can eat your meals without watching the television or being on the phone, texting or checking your email.

This makes it easier for you to be more conscious of the number of foods you’re consuming. Follow this technique to maintain your weight and to engage in a smart eating habit.

2. Get Support From an Online Community

You may find the easiest way for you to keep the weight off is to take advantage of a support system.

You can learn about the best online weight loss community that can help you to live a healthier life.

This is a wonderful place for you to have a good interaction with other people and learning tips that may prevent you from regaining weight.

Connecting with other people gives you the confidence and motivation you need to adapt to a better lifestyle.

3. Engage in Regular Exercise

Physical activity helps you to maintain your weight. According to health experts, exercise could be more important than your diet.

Incorporate an exercise routine that increases your metabolism and burns extra calories.

How much exercise do you need? To keep off the pounds, you should consider 150 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity. You can start your workout duration at 75 minutes while working your way up to 150 minutes.

Some examples of moderate to vigorous daily workouts you can integrate include 15 minutes of brisk walking, light household chores, jogging, running, and swimming.

Keep in mind that exercise could also benefit your overall health. It helps you to manage stress, prevents your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other health issues.

4. Always Weigh Yourself

You can get in the habit of weighing yourself. Doing this on a regular basis is a smart way for you to keep your weight in check.

When you monitor your weight, you will know if you’re consuming too many calories. This helps you to make the necessary adjustments to keep your weight loss.

Keep a weight scale in the bathroom, where you can check your weight each week or as often as necessary.

5. Control Your Weight Loss With Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are an important part of your diet for your weight loss management. These foods provide a combination of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and other essential nutrients to keep your body in shape and to support your health.

You also have an advantage including whole grains, nuts, and lean meats in your diet.

To maintain or lose weight, you need to focus on consuming fewer calories. Fruits and vegetables are known for being low in fat and calories.

They make a good replacement for high-calorie foods.

Fruits and vegetables are also filling because they contain high amounts of fiber that give you a full feeling after each meal. So, you can avoid overeating when you consume these foods.

Fruits and vegetables add volume to your meals. The water, fiber, and other powerful nutrients they contain make them the perfect addition you need with your low-calorie meals.

They are also smart snacks you can eat throughout the day. Instead of reaching for unhealthy junk foods, choose fruits and vegetables to satisfy your appetite.

6. Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Most health experts agree that breakfast is an important meal to start your day. A healthy low-calorie breakfast should provide you with all the essential nutrients your body needs for the day.

Therefore, you should avoid skipping breakfast or choosing unhealthy foods that cause you to pack on pounds. Some key foods to include for your breakfast are avocados and toast, spinach, non-fat yogurt, smoothies, grapefruits, and berries.

As a breakfast eater, you’re engaging in a healthy habit that gives you the advantage to stick to your weight loss goals.

7. Drink Lots of Water

Drink at least 7 to 8 eight-ounces of water each day.

Drinking water throughout the day is an effective strategy that prevents you from gaining pounds. It reduces your appetite, helps you to burn calories, and removes wastes from your body.

In fact, drinking water can give you a feeling of fullness and prevents you from consuming too many calories. So, it is beneficial for you to drink a glass of water before your meals.

Want to Learn More Tips?

Maintaining weight is just as important as shedding extra pounds.

Once you’ve gone through the tough and challenging process to lose weight, you want the assurance that you’re doing the right things to remain slim and healthy.

To avoid the failure of keeping the weight off, it is important for you to know how to maintain weight after weight loss.

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