Photo by CC user Arpingstone on Wikimedia Commons
If you’re looking to take flying lessons, you’re in the right place! Learning how to fly has to be one of the most exciting things that we as humans can do. After all, we have only been able to get up into the sky (like the birds) thanks to the ingenuity of human ability and tenacity, and it’s truly exciting to take off and be airborne.
Scheduling in a few flying lessons is a great way to get up in the air faster and is something that everyone who wants to pursue a career in aviation should consider first. So you’ve signed up – but when you’re staring down the barrel of your first flying lesson, you might be wondering what exactly is going to happen?
If you’re not sure what to expect (and who is, really?) then you need to read on to find out more about what you can look forward to. Being a little bit prepared will help you when the big day finally comes and you are wondering what to do!
Booking in
The weather can sometimes get in the way of flying lessons – and it’s something that unfortunately nobody can control. As a result of this, it’s wise to phone on the morning of the proposed flight to check on the weather conditions and to confirm that the flying lesson is still going to happen. If there’s no conflict with the weather, the booking process is pretty straightforward.
The day of your flight
On the day of your flight, make sure you have a good meal and plenty to drink so that you’re level-headed and ready for the excitement of your first flight. Find the airfield ahead of time and be sure to leave with plenty of time to get there. You might be gripped with a bit of anxious excitement and be wondering how things are going to go – but don’t worry! Your instructor is highly qualified and experienced and will be there to answer any questions you may have.
Afraid of heights?
When you’re flying, it doesn’t seem to have the same effect on people that being on a high ladder or clifftop can have. You don’t need to worry about this being a problem when you’re flying. There’s a certain level of security that comes from being in the plane, so don’t worry about being scared of heights!
Flying time
Before your first official flight, there will be a certain amount of time dedicated to classroom training. This will cover the basics of aerodynamics and flight expectations. After the pre-flight briefing, you’ll be escorted to the aircraft for a pre-flight inspection. Your instructor will show you how everything works – and while there is a lot to take in, you don’t need to worry about it for now, it will all come in time. There was once a time when you didn’t know how to drive a car and worried about how to make it all come together! The engine is going to be loud – so you will be wearing a headset which allows you to speak to your instructor. Make sure you listen intently for radio transmissions.
We’re up here, now what?
After taxi and takeoff, you will have a chance to take the controls of the aircraft! Nothing bad can happen – that’s why your instructor is there to take care of things. Your instructor is really qualified and is the best person to be up there with you.
After the flight
Congratulations – you’ve just taken your first flying lesson! It’s a very exciting time and you should be very proud of what you have achieved. Nothing compares to this, and you’ll never forget the feeling.