
What causes a Car Key Fob to Stop Working?

posted by Chris Valentine

Car Key

Car key fobs are a great way to conveniently unlock the doors with style. Imagine this situation, you have to go to place urgently, and suddenly your car keys are not working, this condition can be very frustrating. In order to fix the fob car keys, one needs to have a basic understanding of the numerous causes of why a car key fob stops working.

Here are some of the causes that are listed down below.

Limited battery life

The car key fob runs on battery, and it has to run out of power someday. Most keys use a 4-cell battery which you can easily find in the market. The primary thing you one should do when your key stops working is to change the cell because this is the most common cause of a car key not working. When you are purchasing the battery, make sure to pick up the right quality product which would last for an extended time.

Internal damage

The new fob key has to receive and send signals to the car, and in a case of internal damage, the transmitter might get faulty. There can be two things which can be damaged, the receiver or the transmitter and in most cases, it’s the second one. This cannot be fixed manually, so you would have to ask the company to key fob repair. Make sure that you are sending the key to the verified company repair shop and not to any 3rd party.

Key has not been programmed

Technology is not a hundred percent reliable, and that is why sometimes the programming of the key may get faulty, or even the key was not programmed when it came to you. This is a simple issue, and all you need to do is facilitate remote key fob repair service through the assistance of your car service retailer. It would not take much time to get the key programmed and in sync with your car settings.

Aftermarket car keys

These are the secondary keys that are not purchased from the original store; this is a risky transaction as it can horribly harm your car. You should keep in mind that there can be programming errors with these keys as they are not explicitly designed for your vehicle. So, if you are to rely on these cars 100%, then that would be a massive mistake. Moreover, you cannot send these keys to the official store for repair as they do not entertain aftermarket duplicates.

Problematic ignition cylinder

The keys are not only related to the primary transmission of the signals; it’s the sole tool through which your car starts. Many a time the car key not working may refer to a bigger problem as to a problem with the ignition cylinder. In this situation, the ignition cylinder has to be replaced so that the vehicle can restore to the proper functioning level.

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