If you’ve ever been in a shop and noticed the various colours bands on toothpaste tubes, chances are you might have wondered what these colours signified. For some consumers, the various stripes or patterns on the product packaging can be an eye-catching beacon that implies certain characteristics about the contents inside. So, what are the different colours of toothpaste? Read on to find out more !
Explaining Coloured Stripe and Square Markings on Toothpaste Tubes
It is common for individuals to assume that these coloured stripes indicate different flavours like bubble gum toothpaste or contain information about how much fluoride is present in each of the toothpaste. However, this is not entirely true since, according to experts, most stripes actually relate to simple marketing differences between different products offered by a single manufacturer rather than any actual ingredient or content differences.
Some people may also recognize square marks on certain tubes of toothpastes as signs that they contain extra fluoride or whitening agents. While this symbol may appear official, it is actually just another marketing technique used by some companies in order to indicate certain product lines without being bound to labelling regulations.
Do Ingredients inside Toothpastes Differ Based on Colour Code?
It is important to note that whatever colour code you find on toothpastes does not necessarily reflect its ingredients. There might be natural ingredients contained within one tube with a red stripe, while another tube with a blue stripe might contain synthetic chemicals with similar effects. Before making any purchasing decision, always make sure to check the list of ingredients printed on the packaging.
Are There Any Secret Codes Certain Companies Use?
There are reports online claiming certain companies might have their own secret codes within their packaging which could indicate particular products without explicitly naming them. Despite these rumours having circulated for years now, there is no clear evidence confirming their existence.