
The Different Types of Child Custody: An Informative Guide

posted by Chris Valentine

Every year, there are over 782,000 divorces filed. And that’s just legally speaking! Unfortunately, there are many more couples who break up without it being documented.

Sadly, in many cases, the breakup/divorce doesn’t just involve the 2 partners. Children are often involved as well, which can make things more complicated.

If you and your spouse (or partner) are going to split up soon, and you have little ones, then you’ll want to know about the types of child custody arrangements available.

Luckily, we’re here to help. Read on for the child custody options you can choose.

Physical Custody

Physical custody is where you determine how a child is raised physically. This determines where your kids live. As a result, the parents involved in physical custody will be responsible for things like housing, food, and clothes.

Legal Custody

If you have legal custody of your children, this means you’ll have the legal right to make decisions when it comes to their needs. This includes things like healthcare, education, and religion.

Sole Custody

As you might’ve guessed from the name, this means that one parent has complete custody of the kids. You can have sole legal custody or sole physical custody. In some cases, you might have both if your partner is ruled unfit.

Some judges might also award sole custody if there is too much conflict between the parents. By awarding sole custody to just one parent, then it can prevent the parents from going to court over every dispute.

Joint Custody

Out of all child custody types, this is perhaps the best situation for your kids since they’ll get to see and live with both parents in most cases. You and your ex will both have the right to determine where your children live and how they’re brought up.

Do note that if either of you chooses to ignore the other parent’s wishes, they have the right to take legal action, as this violates court orders.

Also, another thing to note is that joint custody doesn’t necessarily mean 50/50 custody. One parent can still majority custody, such as on an 80/20 term.

Of course, if you have a child custody question, you should always reach out to a lawyer. Not only do they have experience with this, but they also have the legal training needed to help you set up something solid.

If you’re having trouble with your soon-to-be-ex, they can also help in getting custody of a child.

Know the Types of Child Custody Arrangements Available

Now you know all about the types of child custody arrangements you and your ex can have.

Make sure you have clear lines of communication and that you put aside any differences for the sake of your children. Only then can you ensure that they’ll adjust well and be happy with the new arrangements.

If you found this article on the different types of child custody helpful, then read the rest of our blog for more legal information.

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