In this modern world, many people want to know who they are dating before they begin seriously seeing an individual. There are many sites on the web that allow for covert investigations into a person’s past, and social media is often a great source of current activities and close friends. However, if you want to know more about a person, you may have to do some serious digging into their past. So, before you go out on that second or third date, you may want to make sure the person doesn’t have a criminal record, isn’t currently married, and is who they say they are.
Who Are They?
A quick search through the social media sites can tell you if the person is who they say they are. Make sure they have a large friend list, or it could be a bogus site that merely reflects someone else’s profile while using the other person’s pictures and name. Check to see their marriage status and anything else they posted about their personal preferences. Once you decide their name is legit, move on to the next step.
What About Their Past?
When you begin dating, you gradually begin to uncover their past. It is sort of like putting a jigsaw puzzle together as they toss little tidbits of information out about who they are, what they enjoy and where they came from. It is a slow process. Thanks to the internet, you can learn a lot more about them a lot faster by doing a little research of your own. You can access business networking sites to verify they work where they say they do. You can also check criminal histories and make sure they have a clean background. Don’t be embarrassed by digging around. You are just protecting yourself.
Why Do You Want To Know?
Sometimes when you begin dating, your friend may drop a hint about their past relationship and sometimes they are overly critical or even venomous about the other person. Besides being a big, red flag to your possible future relationship, you may want to know how much of what your date said about the horrors of the past relationship is true. Knowing about how they view their past can certainly influence their future.
Have They Been Divorced?
Doing a divorce records search may seem like stalking, but the records are public for people just like you.There are three types of divorce accounts – certificates, decrees, and records. A certificate lists the two divorcing parties, the date, and the location. The divorce decrees provide the same type of information listed in the certificate, but the decree also includes the terms of the divorce such as property division, child custody arrangements, and support payments. Of all the types of divorce documents, the divorce record has the most information by far. The record of divorce includes the same information listed on the other two types of divorce documents, but also includes a catalog of all documents filed in the case and their file numbers.
Finding out who the person you are dating is can be much easier than when your parents were dating. With the advent of the web, information about current activities, friends, social calendars, and divorce status are often only a few clicks away. Be careful though, if you find yourself searching through a person’s past, make sure you are ready to find what you may locate.