The trending legalization of cannabis across the United States has opened new possibilities for individuals who suffer from some medical issues. These medical issues can be impacted by the use of alternate varieties of cannabis. There are two types of cannabis, also known as marijuana, with the alternate being cannabis indica. Indica strains are known for having more benefits as a pain reliever and are effective on the muscular makeup of the body. On the other hand, Sativa strains have a more psychotic effect and can be used effectively to address a wide variety of nervous system functions.
Both general types of cannabis produce a relaxing sensation, but indica does not tend to invoke significant physical activity and mental awareness within the user. Both are very popular for those with medical marijuana authorization, as well as with recreational users looking for a specific type of effect. The recent realization that marijuana has its health benefits has clearly changed how the drug is viewed publicly. Here are a few medical conditions it can help alleviate:
1. Improves Mental Health
Studies have shown that in many cases, several psychotic conditions can be bettered by the use of cannabis sativa. Various types of depression are included in the group, such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Besides, it has also be found effective for combating central nervous system problems such as Tourette’s syndrome and epilepsy.
2. Improves Dietary Diseases
Cannabis has long been associated with affecting the appetite. However, it now has been found to improve certain aspects of Chhorn’s disease, Huntington’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and general nausea. It helps make food more appealing for those who have lost their drive to eat regularly. It can also assist in general overall health by helping maintain a balanced and more inclusive diet.
3. Improves Some Skeletal Disorders
Inflammation is another area where cannabis has been found effective as a viable treatment option. Multiple sclerosis is one of the more serious physical conditions it can help alleviate. Added to that, sativa can also reduce problems associated with rheumatoid arthritis and general pain associated with any skeletal area such as the knees and back. Arthritis tends to flare up at any point in the body, and the general pain relief properties of marijuana have long been known even before the medical authorization trend began.
4. Affects Some Vision Problems
Marijuana has long been branded as a medication to vision problems. This reputation comes as a result of cannabis combating various eye-related problems. It was glaucoma patients who initially organized the movement to make cannabis a medical treatment alternative in the very beginning. The impact the drug has had on children with epilepsy and autism was what validated the claims of patients with vision problems and began the research into the use of non-THC CBD treatment alternatives. But, glaucoma is not the only vision problem that cannabis could help improve as a coping treatment option.
5. Viable Cancer and HIV Treatment
Marijuana as a pain relief agent and an appetite enhancer has also been found effective for those suffering from various types of cancer and immune deficiency disorders. Traditional pain relief does not necessarily work for all patients, and cannabis is not acidic in basic makeup as other treatments may be. Eating is vital for many cancer and HIV patients, and cannabis is the first treatment choice for many.
It is obvious that the movement to legalize cannabis as a justifiable medical treatment option is on the rise and all state legislatures are evaluating new laws pertaining to both forms of cannabis. This is just a shortlist of the medical issues that can possibly be improved by authorized and responsible use of cannabis.