
Facial Acne Mapping

posted by Chris Valentine

Have you noticed that your acne tends to occur in the same place over and over? Is this a persistent problem despite seeking out and using the best oil for skin? Have you wondered if there may be some significance to the pattern?

If so, you’re not alone. Philosophers and researchers alike have noticed patterns of acne breakouts forming in certain areas of the face for centuries. Facial acne mapping is an attempt to determine why these patterns occur.

Two Different Theories

There are two theories behind facial acne mapping. One is a tradition rooted in the ancient medicine of India and China. This theory holds that health issues within certain areas of your body cause you to break out in specific areas on your face. It should be noted that, while this is an ancient tradition, there is as yet little scientific evidence to back it up.

The other, more modern, theory is that different parts of your face are susceptible to different stimuli, some external and some internal, that can produce acne.

Both theories are similar in that they hold that breakouts in different areas of your face have different causes, and determining the root cause may help you to prevent acne. Therefore, this article will discuss the different areas of the facial map and describe the potential causes of breakouts in each location.


The ancient theory holds that acne on your chin and jawline may indicate hormonal fluctuations. The modern theory acknowledges that hormonal changes can contribute to breakouts, although perhaps not specifically or exclusively along the jawline. What may be more significant in determining if your acne is related to hormones is the timing rather than the location. If you notice breakouts occurring right before your period, that is a telltale sign, and you may want to look into hormonal acne treatment.


According to the ancient theory, breakouts on your forehead indicate an issue with your digestive system. It recommends that you reduce your fat intake and eat less junk food. While these measures may or may not help your acne, they can work to improve your overall health, and they certainly will do your skin no harm.

The modern theory attributes forehead acne to two potential causes. In the T-zone, i.e., the area just above your eyebrows, breakouts may be caused by excess production of a facial oil called sebum. In the area of the temples or the hairline, acne may result from waxy or oily hair care products that block the pores when they come in contact with the face.


The ancient theory says that you can avoid breakouts on your cheeks by substituting sugary snacks for “cooling foods” like cucumbers and starting off your morning with aerobic breathing exercises. However, the modern theory holds that cheek acne is more likely to result from skin irritation due to friction. Potential sources of this friction include wearing equipment with chin straps or holding your cellphone against your face when you talk. Lying on your side when you sleep can also cause friction from your skin coming in contact with the pillowcase.

Addressing the Underlying Issues

Lifestyle changes to address recurrent breakouts are only a part of the solution. Natural skin care products that nourish and protect are also important. Learn more about the best natural feminine health products for your dermatologic wellbeing.

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