
How to Build Your SEO Campaign

posted by Chris Valentine

Just got a new website designed for your business? The next step is optimizing for maximum visibility of your brand online. And that’s best done with a custom digital strategy for your website’s SEO, or search engine optimization, which helps you improve your webpage rankings on search engines. An SEO company in Florida will specialize in all the aspects needed to develop a strategy that works best for you, but there are some key basics you can make sure to implement.

Here are some tips on how to build your SEO campaign:

Evaluate Your Website

There are a few key components a website for any business needs to gain a steady flow of user traffic, and begin making conversions. For one thing, it’s better for SEO purposes to have a multi-page site. The more webpages you have to optimize for, the better chance you have of getting multiple listings ranked on search engines for people to find. Pages in your sitemap should at least include:

  • A Homepage
  • About Us
  • Services/Products
  • FAQ
  • Contact Us

Also, what platform are you using? Modern platforms like WordPress and HubSpot are not just great for having user friendly interfaces. They also have plugins available to help customize your site for branding and a unique user experience. You can even add plugins that specifically help you improve SEO, like Yoast.

Topic & Keyword Research

Analyze your target audience, as well as user search queries for popular long-tail keywords that are relevant to your business. Consider what your target audience is searching for, and how your business can meet their specific needs. From here you can start to frame your web content with those topical keywords that will help you rank higher in those categories.

We say long-tail keywords, because it’s easier to rank for search queries that have a more narrowed focus than a broader keyword topic. For example, “digital marketing” is an acceptable keyword for a digital marketing agency. But it’s going to be hard to rank for it exclusively and beat out all the digital marketing companies that are out there for top rankings. However, “digital marketing in South Florida” is less ambiguous, and even attaches a local aspect to it. It’s much easier, and better for a growing business, to rank for a mix of long-tail keywords based on a cluster of broader topics.

Write & Maintain a Blog

Adding a blog into your web content strategy is one of the easiest ways to build your rankings for keywords. Plus, individual posts are highly shareable on social media platforms, and can help you gain visibility, and potentially a viral post!

Make sure to include internal and external links, images, and other forms of on-page SEO to optimize your blog posts. On-page SEO tactics include:

  • High-quality content
  • Long-form content
  • Headings and hierarchal page structure
  • Images and other multimedia
  • Internal links
  • External links
  • Mobile-friendly optimization
  • Social media sharing buttons
  • Comments enabled

Measure & Track Your Results

When you’ve successfully built your SEO campaign, it’s helpful to occasionally run an SEO on your site to evaluate how your site is performing over time. There are plenty of tools out there to make it easier for you, like the SEMRush SEO audit, Moz’s tool, and many more. It’s just about trying them out to see what works most effectively for you, and of course, which interface you prefer.

Set specific campaign goals, whether it’s parameters around increasing user traffic, click-through rates, bounce rates (how long it takes before a user leaves your site), conversion rates, leads generated, and much more. All of these factors can even help you measure return on investment for your SEO campaign.

Need Help Building an SEO Campaign?

Optimizing your website for great SEO takes time, and we know it can be difficult. That’s why it’s so important to build and map out a plan before you start. An SEO company in Florida will help you evaluate, create, optimize, and analyze on both the creative side of developing killer content, as well as on the technical side of ensuring your site has all the right tools to gain the most visibility and engagements.

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