
Veterans Disability and Agent Orange Benefits

posted by Chris Valentine

Agent Orange was a herbicide used by the military during the Vietnam War to remove vegetation and leaves for military operations. Veterans exposed to Agent Orange developed numerous conditions, such as several types of cancers. Most veterans suffered permanent genetic damage that caused their kids to be born with congenital disabilities and severe deformities.

How Agent Orange Causes Cancer

Agent Orange contains a specific compound that causes severe illnesses, including cancer. A US Department of Veterans Affairs report indicates that Agent Orange contained trace amounts of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Laboratory animals exposed to this chemical have an increased risk of developing tumors. Scientists also indicate that dioxin can turn off specific genes that control cell division, increasing cancer risk.

How Can You Receive Agent Orange Compensation?

Numerous kinds of cancers are caused by Agent Orange exposure, especially during military operations. The VA assumes the cancer is due to Agent Orange exposure if your condition is on the list of presumptive illnesses and there are no apparent causes. The VA recognizes multiple presumptive diseases associated with Agent Orange exposure. Some of these diseases include:

  • Multiple Myeloma
  • AL Amyloidosis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Soft Tissue Sarcomas
  • Respiratory Cancers

Victims suffering from any of the listed presumptive conditions should hire lawyers for Orange Agent cases to file a claim for fair compensation. Some types of diseases are due to Agent Orange exposure, but veterans still need to prove that they served in the Vietnam War between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975. Victims should remember that they can still secure Agent Orange compensation if they served on different dates.

Obtaining Service Connection for Agent Orange-Linked Disorders

Agent Orange’s claims require service and medical personnel records to improve the chances of fair compensation. Veterans must provide records showing they have an Agent Orange-related disease and that the exposure happened during their military service. If the veteran’s disease isn’t on the list of presumptive illnesses, they must provide the following evidence:

  • Medical and scientific evidence that proves the illness can be caused by exposure to Agent Orange. The accepted forms of proof include publications from reputable science journals or medical research studies. In addition, the veteran must prove that their condition is due to exposure to Agent Orange.
  • Evidence showing that the illness started during military operations and was made worse by their military service.

Veterans should submit their separation or discharge papers to reveal their location and time of service. The victims should also compile other documents showing that they were stationed on the presumptive exposure list at a given location.

Healthcare Benefits for Victims Exposed to Agent Orange

The Agent Orange Act of 1991 exposed the benefits available to soldiers during the Vietnam War due to Agent Orange exposure. The act mandates the National Academy of Sciences to analyze and gather data to have adequate knowledge regarding presumptive military exposure to herbicides, dioxin, and defoliants during the Vietnam War. This research’s outcome enables veterans exposed to Agent Orange to enroll in VA health care.

The application process for VA health care is swift, and veterans receive the outcome within one week. Veterans can print out VA form 10-10EZ and then mail it to the local VA clinic or deliver it in person. Veterans can also apply online or over the phone. Make sure to assemble some basic information when applying for VA health care. Compile the following information before initiating the application:

  • Deductible expenses
  • Medical insurance information
  • Social Security number
  • Military discharge papers

Once Agent Orange veterans secure VA health care, they can obtain treatment for service-connected disabilities and military exposures.

The side effects associated with Agent Orange are long-term and directly impact the quality of life of exposed victims. Victims who worked with Agent Orange are more susceptible to numerous forms of cancer. Veterans can benefit from VA disability benefits and healthcare to get them through treatments and diagnoses.

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