Running a law firm and staying profitable is directly linked to your marketing efforts. You can find more clients and achieve your business goals with a proper marketing campaign. Keep reading this blog to find eleven actionable marketing tips every law firm can adopt to supercharge its growth.
1. Publish educational content
One of the best things you can do to cement your position in your target industry is publishing valuable content. By creating a content hub, you can show that you want to help your clients by providing all the information they need.
Publishing and updating content from time to time is not an easy task. You will have to set some time aside from your daily routine so you can write content and publish it on your website.
If you don’t have time, you can outsource your content needs. For example, you can hire a freelance legal proofreader to ensure that your content is free of grammatical errors.
2. Focus on SEO
Most people search online before they choose a lawyer for their needs. You need to get discovered online if you want to get more clients and build your reputation. A proper SEO strategy makes your website discoverable online and allows you to stand out from other legal firms.
Getting started with SEO is not as difficult as you might think. You can start learning SEO or outsource your SEO needs to a digital agency. Make sure you compare the reviews and services of different digital agencies before hiring one for your law firm.
3. Get started with email marketing
Email is still one of the most important channels for communication. With a proper email strategy, you can divide your target audience into different sections and keep them informed about your law firm.
The most challenging part of any email marketing strategy is building a list of email subscribers. You will have to wait for someone to convince people to subscribe to your email list.
However, once you’ve built a sizable list of email subscribers, you can use any email marketing tool to create and implement your email marketing strategy.
4. Optimize for mobile users
A website doesn’t load up properly on a smartphone as it does on a desktop by default. You must make certain changes to your website so it can load up properly on smartphones. But why should you care about the “mobile-friendliness” of your website in the first place?
Remember that more than half of the web traffic comes from smartphone users. If your website doesn’t show up properly on a smartphone, you won’t be able to cater to your smartphone audience.
Ensure that your website loads up perfectly on smartphones and that people don’t face any problems visiting your website.
5. Build your social brand
Social brands can pay dividends in the future if you do it the right way. A trusted social presence of your law firm business proves that you have helped people get rid of their legal problems in the past.
The presence of positive reviews on your social profiles also helps you with “word of mouth marketing.” Make sure you create your social profiles and follow a proper social branding strategy to get the most out of social media.
6. Run PPC ads
PPC is an advertising model that helps you top the SERPs in no time. The good thing about the PPC model is that you don’t have to pay money to display your ads, as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.
It’s a must for every law firm to create and implement a PPC advertising strategy. You can get started with PPC by learning how it works and knowing the right way to use it for your business.
7. Get listed in directories
Online directories make it easier for people to locate and choose businesses. You need to get your law firm listed on business directories, so you can get discovered by people and find new clients.
You should enlist your website in relevant business directories. Focus on getting featured on local business directories as the links received from local directories benefit your website’s SEO and help you get more clients.
8. Publish video content
Video content has gradually become popular over the years. The presence of faster internet and reliable streaming services has made it easier for people to upload and watch videos.
You have to focus on producing video content if you want to supercharge your marketing efforts. Video creation isn’t as difficult either as it used to be in the past. You can use your smartphone and any video editing software to create persuasive videos for your target audience.
9. Get awards in the legal industry
Winning awards in the legal industry can help you in marketing your law firm. Getting featured on the websites that hold awards enables you to earn backlinks. Other than that, awards show that you’re a credible business trusted by experts in the industry.
Getting awards online can be a time-consuming task. You might have to spend a lot of time and money to participate in award competitions and win an award. Therefore, you should only focus on this strategy after gathering proper information about it.
10. Provide amazing customer support
Remember that your prospects and clients will have questions about your services. It’s your job to respond to those questions on time and avoid any delays.
Improving your customer support is not as difficult as you might think. You can either establish an in-house department for customer support or hire a BPO if you don’t have time to handle the customer support team.
11. Host networking events
You can help people connect with law firms and boost the visibility of other firms by arranging networking events. By hosting an event, you show that you know about the industry.
Arranging an online or on-site networking event also allows you to earn quality backlinks, boosting your website’s position on SERP rankings.
You can rely on social media to market your networking event and use online video conferencing tools to easily host the event.