Photo by CC user Rama on Wikimedia Commons
There are a variety of labs in the world that specialized in the testing of various products. The only way a product can be deemed safe before hitting the market is by going through rigorous trials where they are tested on animals. One of the most common animals that are used in this type of trial is mice. It is the job of the lab professionals to track the mice and record the effects that various products have on them. Using a small animal ear tag is ideal for keeping up with mice and here are some of the reasons why.
They Allow For More Accuracy
One of the biggest benefits that come along with using these types of ear tags is that they allow for far more accuracy. In most labs, there will be hundreds of mice used as test animals for various products. If the scientists working on these trials do not have a way to tell the mice apart from one another, they will usually not be able to present the conclusive data they need. These types of ear tags will usually feature different coloring and a numeric code that allows the lab workers to differentiate between the various mice they are testing.
Speeding the Work in a Lab Up
For most lab technicians, finding a way to speed up the process of recording the results of a trial is important. If you use these types of ear tags, you will be able to find the right animal and record the effects the product in question is having in a hurry. Finding various tools to use that will speed up this process is important and well worth the money that is paid for these types of ear tags.
Lessening the Strain on the Animal
Another benefit that comes along with using this technology is that it is very safe for the animals in question. The tagging process with these automated tags is very easy and pain free. There are a variety of tags on the market that can actually hurt the animal if they are not applied properly. Taking every precaution to ensure that the animals in a clinical trials are taken care of and treated fairly. Investing money into these modern ear tags will bring about a variety of benefits that makes them well worth the money that is paid.
Finding the right supplier of automated ear tags is vital when trying to make the right purchase.